Hi, budding rice wine brewers! Anybody can make glutinous rice wine! Follow these easy steps and you are on your way to tasting this delicious brew in no time!
Aim Of Experiment
To determine whether light affects the rate of fermentation of rice beer.
A traditional and common way of brewing rice wine is to place the fermenting wine in a dark and humid environment (e.g. in the cellar, closet etc). For this experiment, 2 sets of 2 bottles are required, with 1 bottle wrapped up in newspaper in each set to prevent the exposure to light. 1 set is put in a cool environment while the other in a warm environment, acting as a control. Through this experiment, we would be able to test if the presence of light is a factor towards the rate of fermentation by observing the amount of carbon dioxide produced.
4 1.5 water bottles
Instant Yeast
Glutinous rice
4 balloons
2 sheets of newspaper
Rubber bands
(1) Soak the glutinous rice for 2 hours and cook it.
(2) Fill each bottle with 1 part of cooked rice [expanded from 150g of uncooked rice] and 3 parts of water to the brim to prevent oxidation of ethanol to form ethanoic acid.
(3) Add 2.5 g of yeast to each bottle.
(4) Seal each bottle with a balloon with rubber bands tied at the neck to prevent carbon dioxide from escaping balloon, so as to determine the rate of fermentation.
(5) Wrap 2 bottles up using newspaper so that there’ll be no exposure to light.
(6) Place 1 set of wrapped and unwrapped bottles in a cold environment, and another in a warm environment.
(7) Observe the changes in the bottles ( bubbles, colour of ferment, etc)
(8) Measure the circumference of the balloon using a string.
AND VOILA! Now you can make your analysis of the experiment to determine if presence of light affects the rate of fermentation, judging from the circumference of the balloon.
Good Luck!
(Hint: More carbon dioxide = Bigger Balloon)
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